The Paper Committee invites you to submit your abstract for the ICE 2019 Conference. Abstracts should be written concisely and clearly (in English, the official language of the event) and in not more than 300 words, which summarise the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or analysis; and, 4) a brief summary of interpretations and conclusions. Please download the provided Abstract template and use it to prepare the file.
Please ensure that you have carefully reviewed the theme and sub-theme descriptions, and submit your abstract for only ONE sub-theme. You will be asked to indicate your chosen sub-theme at the abstract submission stage (see Step 4 below). The abstract must convey the importance and relevance of the topic to the conference theme. Abstracts are to be submitted online.
How to Make Your Submission
NOTE: Each abstract may only be submitted once.
Please go through the following steps to submit your abstract:
Step 1: Sign up for an account (go to CONFERENCE WEBSITE and select REGISTER).
Step 2: Log in with your newly created username and password.
Step 3: Click on CALL FOR PAPERS, select SUBMIT PAPER and click on ADD ABSTRACT.
Step 4: Select a SUB-THEME. Then key in your TITLE and your ABSTRACT. Your abstract must not exceed 300 words.
Step 5: Upload your FORMATTED ABSTRACT file (refer Abstract template).
Step 6: Specify the FIRST AUTHOR and CO-AUTHORS (if any).
Step 7: Specify the PAPER PRESENTER.
Step 8: Click on SUBMIT button to complete the submission.
1. In cases of multiple entries of the same abstract/paper submission, the latest entry will be selected / kept. All previous entries will be deleted without notification.
2. Upon submitting the abstract, please ensure the following criteria are observed:
For further enquiries, please contact the Conference Paper Committee at
Deadline for Abstract Submission | 25 December 2018 |
Abstract Acceptance Notification | 15 January 2019 |
The manuscript must be prepared using the Microsoft Word and should be written concisely and clearly (in English, the official language of the event) and must be between 3,000 - 4,000 words in length. Please download the provided Full Paper template and use it to prepare the manuscript.
The manuscript must have the following sections: (i) Title, (ii) Name of authors with e-mail addresses, (iii) Abstract, (iv) Keywords, (v) Introduction, (vi) Literature Review, (vii) Body of text with headers (Research Objective, Methodology, Findings and Discussion), (viii) Conclusion and (ix) References. An acknowledgement section could be added between the conclusion and the reference sections. The references must be cited according to the APA referencing format. All figures (including graphs) and tables must be clearly depicted and labelled. All manuscripts are to be submitted online.
How to Make Your Submission
Step 1: Log in at the conference site with your username and password. Step 2: Click on CALL FOR PAPERS, select SUBMIT PAPER and click on FULL PAPER. Step 3: Select a SUB-THEME. Step 4: Upload your FORMATED FULL PAPER file (refer Full Paper Template). Step 5: Specify the PAPER PRESENTER. Step 6: Click on SUBMIT button to complete the submission.
1. Papers will be accepted for review only if they have not been presented or accepted for presentation at any professional meeting before, and are not currently under review for presentation at another professional meeting.
2. In cases of multiple entries of the same abstract/paper submission, the latest entry will be selected / kept. All previous entries will be deleted without notification.
3. Upon submitting the full paper, please ensure the following criteria are observed:
Paper Review Process for Acceptance
All papers will go through blind review by members of the Paper Review Committee. All authors will be notified of the results of the review by 31 January 2019. Reviewers may make recommendations for improvement of a draft submission that has received preliminary acceptance. These recommendations must be adequately addressed by the author (or authors) to ensure final acceptance.
Submission of Full Papers for Proceedings (Camera-Ready Copy Format)
Submission Pre-requisites:
To increase the likelihood of your paper being accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings; please follow the Full Paper Template.
By submitting a paper, authors give consent for that paper and the authorship details to be featured in the conference proceedings.
Papers that have been amended since acceptance can be presented at the conference as long as the revised papers are received by the deadline 28 February 2019 and conform to the format and length requirements. Authors must ensure that the camera-ready version of the paper adequately addresses reviewer comments. If this has not been done to the satisfaction of the Paper Review Committee, the paper may not be accepted for publication in the proceedings. Authors must pay to attend the conference to present their papers (for papers that are accepted).
For further enquiries, please contact the Conference Paper Committee at
Deadline for Full Paper Submission | 31 January 2019 |
Full Paper Acceptance Notification | 25 February 2019 |
Camera Ready Copy Submission | 11 March 2019 |